Home > Dealers by category > Household
Address: | Parc Industriel 33 |
City: | Wauthier-Braine |
Postal code: | 1440 |
Region: | Brussel |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)475 60 31 16 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://expo.bigsbrocante.be |
E-mail: | info@bigsbrocante.com |
Description:The first permanent market in Wallonia!
Discover the best of flea markets, antiques, design, decorative items and collections. Find the one-of-a-kind treasure at Big's Brocante or just sell your own! A paradise for bargain hunters, lovers of antiques and collectibles over more than 6,000 m2 |
Address: | Terlindenhofstraat 36 |
City: | Merksem |
Postal code: | 2170 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)3 6462911 |
Fax.: | +32 (0)3 6464193 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.bae.be |
E-mail: | info@bae.be |
Description:We supply dealers, auctioneers and wholesalers in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and Asia. |
Address: | Stationsweg 17 |
City: | Nijmegen |
Postal code: | 6515 AC |
Region: | Gelderland |
Country: | The-Netherlands |
Tel.: | +31 (0)24 3483138 |
Fax.: | +31 (0)24 3480037 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.strydhagen.com |
E-mail: | wegh@strydhagen.com |
Description:Strydhagen, a family business founded in 1970, is one of the major antique businesses in Europe, located in the Netherlands.
On a surface of over 120000 square feet (11000square meter) we offer a very wide variety of goods; from carved Gothic, Renaissance and Hunting style furniture to Art Deco and Vintage and everything you can possibly imagine in between. The secret of our success lies in daily new arrivals, excellent customer service and competitive pricing. There is a container loading facility for our overseas customers, or we can arrange special transport for just one or two items. |
Address: | 80 A, Avenue de la Libération |
City: | Leuze en Hainaut |
Postal code: | 7900 |
Region: | Mons |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)475 60 31 16 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.eurotroc.be |
E-mail: | Info@EuroTrocBelgium.com |
Description:The best export address for second hand, bric-a-brac, rustic and antique furniture. Warehouses of over 20.000 square foot. Experienced container loading and shipping worldwide. Price included packaging and loading. |
Address: | 69, Route de l'Europe |
City: | Oost-Cappel |
Postal code: | 59122 |
Region: | Nord Pas de Calais |
Country: | France |
Tel.: | +33 (0)3 28 62 11 69 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.rosselle.biz |
E-mail: | info@rosselle.biz |
Address: | Kapelstraat 10 |
City: | Temse |
Postal code: | 9140 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)32816600 |

Type: | Brocante + 2nd hands |
URL: | https://www.starabelgica.com |
E-mail: | antiques@pandora.be |
Description:Antiques Export Center STARA BELGICA is probably the cheapest trade source in Belgium for antiques, vintage, bric-a-brac and decorator items. As we are specialised in house clearances, we have a daily changing stock. The website shows only a small part of our stock. We sell mostly to dealers,auctioneers and interior decorators. We try to find a big variety in goods. That's why we provide something for every buyer, for every taste and budget ! |
Address: | Place Gambetta |
City: | Martel |
Postal code: | 46600 |
Region: | Midi-Pyrénées |
Country: | France |
Tel.: | +33 (0) 6 80 25 35 19 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.artshop-galerie.fr |
E-mail: | artshop.galerie@gmail.com |
Description:General antique dealer, 18th-19th century objects and furniture with a preference for the 20th century for more than 25 years. Good frequency of entries and exits, fast rotation. Personal site representing a sample of arrivals. Sales to the trade and individuals. Expeditions all distances on estimate.
Antiquaire généraliste , objets et mobiliers 18è -19è avec une préférence pour le 20è depuis plus de 25 ans. Bonne fréquence d'entrées et de sorties, rotation rapide. Site personnel représentant un échantillon des arrivages. Ventes au commerce et particuliers. Expéditions toutes distances sur devis. |
Address: | Ninoofsesteenweg 19 |
City: | Herne |
Postal code: | 1540 |
Region: | Tournai |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)479 80 83 81 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.europantiques.be |
E-mail: | info@europantiques.be |
Description:Welcome to Europe Antiques, specialist in buying and selling 19th & 20th century European antique furniture mainly from Belgium & France. We do business since 1960 (more than 50 years experience !) with antique traders from all over the world. |
Address: | Oppuurseweg 43 |
City: | Lippelo-Sint-Amands |
Postal code: | 2890 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)52 33 34 34 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://users.skynet.be/antiek.de.asbroeckhoeve |
E-mail: | deasbroeckhoeve@skynet.be |
Description:Hoofdzakelijk uit de 18de, 19de en 20ste eeuw. Onze specialiteiten zijn Belgische en Franse meubels. Bij ons vindt u zowel rustiek, als gesculpteerde meubels o.a. stijl Lodewijk XV & XVI, Lodewijk-Philippe, Néo-Renaissance, Luiks en vooral Mechelse stijl ... Wij kopen ook ganse inboedels. |
Address: | Heijerstraat 24 |
City: | Westerhoven |
Postal code: | 5563BN |
Region: | Noord-Brabant |
Country: | The-Netherlands |
Tel.: | +31(0)6 51 05 36 99 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.detweelindenantiques.com |
E-mail: | f.vanrooy2@chello.nl |
Description:Antiekgroothandel De Twee Linden is een onderneming van de gebroeders Frank en Rini van Rooij. Wij importeren en exporteren uit alle landen de doorsnee antiek alsmede de betere stukken. Onze bedoeling is voor de handel een zo uitgebreide collectie te bieden tegen een zo laag mogelijke prijs. Om een indruk te krijgen van wat we zoal te bieden hebben zie de fotogalerieën. Deze worden om de twee weken vernieuwd. |
Address: | Chaussée de Namur 45 |
City: | Nivelles |
Postal code: | 1400 |
Region: | Namur |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)475 42 06 67 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.galerieherman.be |
E-mail: | galerie.herman@yahoo.com |
Description:Patrick Geenis, vendeur expérimenter de plus de 25 ans d’antiquités et de belle brocante, cherche des contacte multiple pour vente nos objets et meubles de nos successions . Nous n'avons pas de grand stock car nous cherchons a vendre rapidement! Nous pouvons livrer en Belgique tous acheteur étranger chez un confrère qui font le container! Je reste a votre écoute et a vos écrit pour vos questions éventuelle. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus de renseignements. A bientôt, Patrick Geenis pour Galerie Herman |
Address: | Burgstraat 20-22 |
City: | Gent |
Postal code: | 9000 |
Region: | Gent |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)9 224 14 40 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.dvc.be |
E-mail: | dvc@dvc.be |
ANTWERP Auction: 9/6, 10/6 and 11/6 from 19.30 till 23.15h Expo: 5/6 van 14-18h 6/6 en 7/6 van 11-18h 8/6 van 10-12h GHENT Auction: 28/4, 29/4 en 30/4 from 19.30 till 23.15h Expo: 24/4 van 14-18h 25/4 en 26/4 van 11-18h 27/4 van 10-12h |
Address: | Chaussée de Bruxelles 840 |
City: | Frasnes-lez-Gosselies |
Postal code: | 6210 |
Region: | Namur |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)473 71 21 35 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.letempsjadisgaleriemarchande.be |
E-mail: | info@letempsjadis.be |
Description:For three generations, we have been searching for the objects and furniture that will become your life companions. More than a passion, it is an art of living that we propose to our customers. This is why I have decided, with my team, to create for you "le temps jadis shopping mall" which will open its doors very soon at 840 chaussée de Bruxelles in Les Bons Villers, very easy to reach on the national road 5, ten minutes from Waterloo. A veritable Ali Baba's cave open to the public for lovers of beautiful objects, furniture of all styles or amazing wonders on almost 5000 m²! I and all the exhibitors will be there to welcome you or, better still, to let you freely find your heart's desire through the many stands full of various and varied objects. |
Address: | Moorseelsestraat 25 |
City: | Kortrijk |
Postal code: | 8500 |
Region: | Brugge |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 56 372 757 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.oude-weverij.be |
E-mail: | oude-weverij@skynet.be |
Description:We are a wholesale company specialized in antiques & decorations. Come and discover our two 1000 square meters warehouses. We can provide you with a wide range of antiques, such as: seats, dining rooms, bedrooms, chairs, cabinets, tables, mirrors, desks, clocks, bronze statures, crystal chandeliers, paintings, decorative garden objects, fireplaces, industrial and vintage furniture etc. We have a daily changing stock. We look forward to welcoming you! |
Address: | 57 Rue Victor Hugo |
City: | Rouen |
Postal code: | 76000 |
Region: | Haute Normandie |
Country: | France |
Tel.: | +33 (0)6 38 95 54 30 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://abn-antiquites.business.site |
E-mail: | boussougant.patrick@orange.fr |
Description:Are you looking for specialists in second-hand goods, antiques and the complete clearance of your house, flat, cellar, attic or business? Patrick Boussougant offers you a solution adapted to your situation. We buy paintings, pâte de verre, bronze, 18th century furniture, collectors' items, clocks, antique jewellery and lots of other things. |
Address: | Maastrichterstraat 124 |
City: | Tongeren |
Postal code: | 3700 |
Region: | Tongeren |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)475 35 00 00 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.oryantiques.com |
E-mail: | info@oryantiques.com |
Description:We have a wide experience in buying and selling antiques on internationale markets and auctions in Belgium, France and the UK. Dealing with international customers since 1995. We provide container packing & shipping, buying tours, storage, restoration, etc..) Today we have a showroom of 700m² + 500m² flexible storage space for our customers. Thanks to our “spread purchase policy” (we buy from private people, other antiques dealers, on international markets, antiques fairs & auctions, etc) we have a varied offer of antiques and decorative items from periods as Haute Epoque, Empire, Napoleon III, Art Deco in prince ranges between 50€ and 50.000€. |
Address: | Avenue de l'Europe 3B |
City: | Leuze-en-Hainaut |
Postal code: | 7900 |
Region: | Mons |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)478 20 12 53 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.deknudt.biz |
E-mail: | info@deknudt.biz |
Description:We buy and sell antiques for export. We also work through shares and inventories. We are looking for beautiful full oak furniture, mahogany, walnut inlay before 1930, but also trinkets. You are looking for specialists in antiques? Contact us without delay we will take a free valuation. |
Address: | Aarschotsesteenweg 292 |
City: | Koningshooikt |
Postal code: | 2500 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)493 48 55 20 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.blantiek.be |
E-mail: | smet.barbara292@gmail.com |
Description:If you want to sell or buy furniture or objects, do not hesitate to contact me by mail or phone, you can also send photos. I buy from professionals and individuals, trips to France and Belgium in batch or individually.
For the shipment of your purchases, by post for small items, by carrier of your choice, by container for large quantities. You can also come and collect yourself, or we deliver to you ... We also pack, at no additional cost. |
Address: | Lucien Hendrickxlei 50 |
City: | Borsbeek |
Postal code: | 2150 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)3 3665188 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.antiquesframie.com |
E-mail: | info@antiquesframie.com |
Description:Francois and Mieke started this company more than 30 years ago. There love for history and antiques made them successful antique dealers. They are shippers to the trade with a long business and shipping experience and Francois is for more than 35 years a professional restorer. In our large assortment our customers find antiques of a very high quality, which is restored carefully based on thorough knowledge and great skill. On a surface of 2000 m2 you will find a wide range of dining room, bedroom and other furniture in Louis XV Louis XVI, Louis Philip Chippendale, French Provincial style, Gothic, Art Deco, along with stained glass, chandeliers and other antiques. We speak English, German, and Flemish and we can escort your visits to antique dealers, auction houses, antique fairs, etc... and do negotiations and/ or bidding on your behalf. We know where the deals are, we have developed good relationships with the best antique dealers in our area. |
Address: | Langestraat 57 |
City: | Brugge |
Postal code: | 8000 |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)494 85 73 95 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.brocantecafe.com |
E-mail: | info@verkoopzaalrobbe.be |
Description:Buying and selling brocante & antiques. house clearances (www.verkoopzaalrobbe.be ) |
Address: | Brugsesteenweg 88 |
City: | Kuurne |
Postal code: | 8520 |
Region: | Brugge |
Country: | Belgium |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.antiekcenter.be |
E-mail: | info@antiekcenter.be |
Description:Belgians Largest Antiques Exporter! 7 wholesale dealers united in the West part of Flanders. Nearby Lille, Brussels, Antwerpen and Gent. Certainly worth a vist! |
Address: | Oppuurseweg 43 |
City: | Sint-Amands |
Postal code: | 2890 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)52 333434 |
Fax.: | +32 (0)52 345473 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://users.skynet.be/antiek.de.asbroeckhoeve/ |
E-mail: | seps.r@skynet.be |
Description:We BUY - SELL and EXPORT Antiques, mainly 18th -19th and 20th century, Belgian and French, rustic and carved furniture as Louis XV, Louis XVI, Louis Philippe, Neo Renaissance, Mechels (Malinois), Luiks (Liegeois), etc... Always a generous choice available in chandeliers, paintings and other antique objects. |
Address: | 16, rue des Sables |
City: | Longué |
Postal code: | 49160 |
Region: | Pays de la Loire |
Country: | France |
Tel.: | +33 (0)6 27 87 83 08 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.souvenets.fr |
E-mail: | souvenets@gmail.com |
Description:Créé en 1992 par Jacky CAILLAUD, l’enseigne Antiquité des Souvenets est reprise depuis 2017 par son fils Adrien qui poursuit l’activité. Il recherche pour vous dans toute la France du mobilier Henri II, Renaissance, Gothique, Napoléon III, grande table essentiellement pour l’exportation et achète les objets de décoration tels que les tableaux, lustres, glaces, pendule, bronze … et tout ce qui est déco de jardin (fonte, pierre, mobilier de jardin …) afin de répondre à vos besoins. Présent tous les mois au déballage professionnel du Mans, il ouvre également sur RDV son magasin situé à côté du château du Lude et vous accompagne dans toutes vos recherches. |
Address: | Elderseweg 145 |
City: | Tongeren |
Postal code: | 3700 |
Region: | Tongeren |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)473 24 07 07 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.antiq.com/wim-ory-antiques-869 |
E-mail: | wimoryantiques@gmail.com |
Description:As a passionate antique dealer with over 22 years of experience in the field, I am proud to belong to the third generation of a family of antique dealers, comprising a total of 11 antique dealers. My specialisation is in unique pieces from the 18th and 19th centuries, including marble, furniture, paintings, clocks and curiosities. I sell only authentic pieces, as selling reproductions goes against my principles. I have a spacious shop of 350 square metres, where I present and preserve the beauty and history of each object. My commitment to quality and authenticity has allowed me to build a solid reputation in the antiques community. My aim is to share my passion for history and art through the objects I offer, while providing personal service and expert advice to my customers. |
Address: | 22 avenue du Maréchal Delattre de Tassigny |
City: | Saint André lez Lille |
Postal code: | 59350 |
Country: | France |
Tel.: | +33 (0) 6 61 82 86 45 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.pucesdunord.com |
E-mail: | pucesnord@gmail.com |
Description:Puces du Nord is an Antiques Village divided into two distinct parts in an old factory in northern France. A group of thirty professionals offer a varied merchandise, simple object quality item, all on 2000 m2 covered with large private parking. |
Address: | 21 Parc Industriel / Zone A |
City: | Wauthier-Braine |
Postal code: | 1440 |
Region: | Brussel |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)493 83 00 33 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.broc-events.com |
E-mail: | info@broc-events.com |
Description:Broc-Events is a permanent quality flea market on an area of more than 6000m². Located 15 minutes from the exit of Brussels in Walloon Brabant, open from Wednesday to Friday from 10am to 5pm and from Saturday to Sunday from 7am to 2pm. A hundred or so exhibitors offer a wide choice of goods for all tastes and all budgets. Every day there are many new arrivals. Every Sunday we also organise an outdoor flea market which starts at 8am precisely when the whistle blows, in bad weather we offer 2m/1m tables indoors, open to the public. Broc-Events also rents out exhibition space and showcases. For more information about our services, please contact us. Every 2nd Saturday of the month, we organize a "Multi-Collection Market" and every 3rd Saturday of the month the "Militaria Market". Broc-Oli-Bar offers you its daily specials during the week and its Foodtruck on Sunday with quality products. This is the place to be for all china collectors, decorators and lovers of fine antiques. Access via RO E19, exit 22 Waterloo/Tubize, straight on and 2nd right for 800m after the ring road exit. Closed on Monday & Tuesday. We wish you a warm welcome. The team and exhibitors of Broc-Events. |
Address: | Rijdt 2 |
City: | Horssen |
Postal code: | 6631 AS |
Region: | Overijssel |
Country: | The-Netherlands |
Tel.: | +31 (0)487 541 999 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.kerkkroonluchters.nl |
E-mail: | info@fluminalis.com |
Description:Fluminalis Church Antiques purchases, restores and supplies a range of antique light fittings. We are one of the Europe s leading suppliers antique lights and antique lamps. Our stock is on sale to both the trade and private customers. |
Address: | Beernemsesteenweg 99 |
City: | Wingene |
Postal code: | 8750 |
Region: | Brugge |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)50 39 00 84 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.poldesmet.com |
E-mail: | info@poldesmet.com |
Address: | Avenue de la Mutualité 98 |
City: | La Louvière |
Postal code: | 7100 |
Region: | Mons |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)497 54 34 62 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.loftantiques.eu |
E-mail: | info@loftantiques.eu |
Description:LOFT Antiques is a brand new antiques and brocante center in La Louvière, Belgium Over 1500m2 with all kinds of antique furniture, objects, decorative and collectors items from several dealers. |