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Art Deco lamp ADORATION nude with vase.
Art Deco lamp ADORATION nude with vase.
Art Deco lamp monkey with umbrella PLUIE.
Art Deco lamp monkey with umbrella PLUIE.
Art Deco lamp with semi-nude lady.
Art Deco lamp with semi-nude lady.
Art Nouveau bronze lamp with lady.
Art Nouveau bronze lamp with lady.
Art Deco style lamp with dancer DANSEUSE A LA COUPE.
Art Deco style lamp with dancer DANSEUSE A LA COUPE.
Art Deco style lamp monkey with umbrella PLUIE.
Art Deco style lamp monkey with umbrella PLUIE.
Rèverie Art Deco lamp seated nude with drape.
Rèverie Art Deco lamp seated nude with drape.
Art Deco lamp with semi-nude lady.
Art Deco lamp with semi-nude lady.
Art Deco lamp standing nude with ball.
Art Deco lamp standing nude with ball.
Clarté LIFE SIZE Art Deco style bronze lamp standing nude holding a glass shade.
Clarté LIFE SIZE Art Deco style bronze lamp standing nude holding a glass shade.
Art Deco style lamp with cat CHAT JONGLEUR
Art Deco style lamp with cat CHAT JONGLEUR
Art Deco style lamp dancer with ball 
Art Deco style lamp dancer with ball 
Art Deco style lamp lady with ball VERITE
Art Deco style lamp lady with ball VERITE
Art Deco lamp with dancer Danseuse à la coupe.
Art Deco lamp with dancer Danseuse à la coupe.
Art Deco style lamp with cat EQUILIBRE
Art Deco style lamp with cat EQUILIBRE
Art Deco lamp Pierrot with ball.
Art Deco lamp Pierrot with ball.
Art Nouveau lamp slave girl under palm tree
Art Nouveau lamp slave girl under palm tree
Vienna bronze lamp with two lovebirds.
Vienna bronze lamp with two lovebirds.
Art Deco lamp reading medieval lady
Art Deco lamp reading medieval lady
Art Deco bronze lamp sculpture cat with ball.
Art Deco bronze lamp sculpture cat with ball.
Art Deco double light table lamp
Art Deco double light table lamp
 1900′ Lustre Boule de Gui en Bronze Art Nouveau a 3 Lampes Diamètre 30 cm / 1900' Ball of Mistletoe Art Nouveau Bronze has 3 Bulbs and Pearls Opaline Diameter 30 cm / 2800€
1900′ Lustre Boule de Gui en Bronze Art Nouveau a 3 Lampes Diamètre 30 cm / 1900' Ball of Mistletoe Art Nouveau Bronze has 3 Bulbs and Pearls Opaline Diameter 30 cm / 2800€
A.ABC Pascal
1970′ Série de 4 Appliques Maison Charles Aux Feuillages De Laurier / 1970 ' 4 Wall Lamp Maison Charles to the Foliages of Laurel // 6800€
1970′ Série de 4 Appliques Maison Charles Aux Feuillages De Laurier / 1970 ' 4 Wall Lamp Maison Charles to the Foliages of Laurel // 6800€
A.ABC Pascal
An English Antique Standard Lamp with Wine Table having a beautiful Gallery.
An English Antique Standard Lamp with Wine Table having a beautiful Gallery.
Pair of decorative lampadaires ‘ head of Athena ’ in wood 20th century Highly decorative lamp bases in wood with gold accents / copper standing on a black lacquer base in wood.
Pair of decorative lampadaires ‘ head of Athena ’ in wood 20th century Highly decorative lamp bases in wood with gold accents / copper standing on a black lacquer base in wood.
Murano Glass Floor Lamp by Carlo Nason for Mazzega, 1960s
Murano Glass Floor Lamp by Carlo Nason for Mazzega, 1960s
Galerie Watteeu
Lustre colliers de perles 1940
Lustre colliers de perles 1940
Italian Desk Lamp - 1970s
Italian Desk Lamp - 1970s
Via Antica
 1920/40′ Lustre Cage Marie Thérèse en Cristal de Bohême / 1920/40' Cage Crystal Marie Thérèse Chandelier / 3800€
1920/40′ Lustre Cage Marie Thérèse en Cristal de Bohême / 1920/40' Cage Crystal Marie Thérèse Chandelier / 3800€
A.ABC Pascal
 1970′ Applique en Métal Peint Et Fleurs En Cristal de Murano Hauteur 107 X 40 cm / 1970 ′ Wall Lamp in Painted Metal And Murano Crystal Flowers Heigth 107 X 40 cm / 4800€
1970′ Applique en Métal Peint Et Fleurs En Cristal de Murano Hauteur 107 X 40 cm / 1970 ′ Wall Lamp in Painted Metal And Murano Crystal Flowers Heigth 107 X 40 cm / 4800€
A.ABC Pascal
Han Style Sandcolor Vase Table Lamp
Han Style Sandcolor Vase Table Lamp
Antiek Amber
Han Style Grey Vase Table Lamp
Han Style Grey Vase Table Lamp
Antiek Amber
L 446 SC red ceramic floor lamp by Kaiser Ceramic, Germany 1970’s
L 446 SC red ceramic floor lamp by Kaiser Ceramic, Germany 1970’s
Haute Antiques Centre
Lustre brutaliste Max Bré c 1960
Lustre brutaliste Max Bré c 1960
Rodrigue Verhaeghe
Incroyable lustre italien en meta H 2,40 m! !!
Incroyable lustre italien en meta H 2,40 m! !!
Rodrigue Verhaeghe
Haute Antiques Centre
Grand lustre
Grand lustre
Rodrigue Verhaeghe
 1970′ Lampadaire Palmier, en Laiton Par Barbier, Maison Jansen 3 Têtes Style Brutaliste H: 170 cm / 1970 “Palm Tree Floor Lamp in Brass Maison Jansen 3 Heads In The Style Brutaliste H: 170 cm / 12000€
1970′ Lampadaire Palmier, en Laiton Par Barbier, Maison Jansen 3 Têtes Style Brutaliste H: 170 cm / 1970 “Palm Tree Floor Lamp in Brass Maison Jansen 3 Heads In The Style Brutaliste H: 170 cm / 12000€
A.ABC Pascal
 1950/70 Lustre Jet d’Eau Barovier & Toso di Murano Hauteur 91 Diamètre 60 / 1950/70 Chandelier Water Jet Barovier & Toso di Murano Heigth 91 Diameter 60 / 6500€
1950/70 Lustre Jet d’Eau Barovier & Toso di Murano Hauteur 91 Diamètre 60 / 1950/70 Chandelier Water Jet Barovier & Toso di Murano Heigth 91 Diameter 60 / 6500€
A.ABC Pascal
 1970′ Lampe Aux 2 Champignons Éclairante En Laiton Avec Gypse Imitant le Cristal De Roche Style Duval Brasseur, Faure, Fernandez / Lamp With 2 Illuminating Mushrooms In Brass With Gypsum Imitating Rock Crystal Style Brasseur, Faure, Fernandez / 12000€
1970′ Lampe Aux 2 Champignons Éclairante En Laiton Avec Gypse Imitant le Cristal De Roche Style Duval Brasseur, Faure, Fernandez / Lamp With 2 Illuminating Mushrooms In Brass With Gypsum Imitating Rock Crystal Style Brasseur, Faure, Fernandez / 12000€
A.ABC Pascal